Quick Start

Create a Mini Bot


You should give the token received from @botFather to the library by the token parameter.

This is a Example (normal level)
from bale import Bot, Update, Message, EventType

client = Bot(token="Your Token")

async def when_bot_is_ready():
    print(client.user, "is Ready!")

async def when_receive_update(update: Update):
    print(update.update_id, update.type)

async def when_receive_message(message: Message):
    await message.reply(text="Hi!")

This is a Example (class level)
import bale

class BaleBot(bale.Bot):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(token="Your Token")
        self.add_event(bale.EventType.MESSAGE, self.on_message)
        self.add_event(bale.EventType.UPDATE, self.on_update)

    async def on_message(self, message):
        if message.chat.type.is_private_chat():
            return await message.reply(f"Hi {message.author.mention}")

    async def on_update(self, update):
        print(update.type, update.update_id)

bot = BaleBot()